Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Inspirational things, people, and times

An entry or two before this one, I mentioned art/writers block and i thought i would share with
my viewers what inspires me out of my funks.

Firstly, I'd like to share a quite recent obsession with the Scott Pilgrim graphic novels.
I've only read the first volume and half of the second, but i just love the style and characters.
I also kinda want to be Ramona Flowers when I grow up. Which is an indirect way of saying I want to dye my hair a crazy color (If you're reading this Mom, it’s a hint). And before you ask, I started reading the graphic novels BEFORE the movie ads came out....I just was reminded of it by Michael Cera's adorable face.

(thank you, anonymous photoshopper. This made my day)
Another thing I’ve been doing is reading. Of course I've been reading a whole bunch of things, but the other day I picked up a trusty poetry book i once bought with my friend Jessica (whose blog is here); Monologue of a Dog which is a poetry collection of Wislawa Szymborska. She's a Polish Nobel-Prize winner and one of my favorite poets.
(Mostly because i don't read much poetry; It either her, or The Drunken Boat)
Her simplistic writing cuts to the chase without using ten adjectives I’ve never heard of in one sentence. And that, in itself, is gold. It got me wanting to write again; hence the updates here on my bloggity-dearest.

Then there are the little things that inspire me to work harder; like other artists online that I'm secretly devout to, through their Deviantart pages or even their webcomics. Only a few examples would be In Your Head, Dango Sunshine, Hell Kitchen, and I'm going to stop while I’m ahead.

It never ceases to amaze me how much talent there is online (Of course there's also the non-talented that are popular for some odd reason, but I won't get into that). So many people trying and, hopefully, succeeding to live off their craft; whether it’s as a comic book artist or as a photographer.

Some other links I’d like to feature are of blogs I enjoy and check up on regularly; Tinytoadstool, Stylerookie, TheSeaofFertility, MusiciansintheDark, DaysGoBy, etc. etc. etc. ETC.

That’s all for today, folks! Hope my inspirations could inspire you as well
With Love and eyes glimmering with hope for the world,

Sunday, July 25, 2010

An Update to Begin All Updates

Hello, hello, hello!
Please excuse the impudence of my non-posting actions, my lords and ladies, but all rejoice! My slump/funk/extremely boring and uncreative phase of summer is over! So even thought these pictures are excruciatingly late, here an update on my summer in general, some "daily" outfit posts, and my epic friends.

I think I’ll start off with some beautiful shots of RedRobin and me at an anonymous beach of sorts.

I was looking at the island across the water, wondering why no one ever just settled onto one of them and stayed there.
I believe RedRobin concurs with my previous statement.

Sadly, I’m unable to post the beautiful pictures of my dad and my step mom here, since I showed my face in both, and you know that’s unacceptable. The cuteness would just RUIN your processor.

The next few pictures are on a random rainy day when my mother and I went shopping :)
I insisted on holding my umbrella for this picture; I mean it MATCHED MY OUTFIT! How often does that happen?!

My mother looking beautiful and nerdy, as always; it’s funny how our outfits always end up looking similar.

Gorillaz tee-shirt! One of my favorite bands.

And my ever-faithful Dragon flats. I've had these so long I can't remember where I got them! I still get compliments on them, though

Now you must be wondering; is RedRobin my only friend? Of course not! I'm a (almost) regular teenager, I assure you. Here are some pictures of me and my other friends. (It’s to be noted that most of these aren't from this summer; I've been lagging on photographing all the events I've been to lately)
For the moment I’m getting said friend’s permission to post their pictures and namese here on my faithful blog. Most of them still haven’t seen it yet..
aaaand I’ll probably update this segment later, because honestly my brain is beginning to fry and A Very Potter Sequel is calling to me.

Will write to you soon!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Hayao Miyazaki and writer's/artist's block

Hello, Hello my beautiful amazing super-fantabulous readers!

So sorry for the late-ness of this post, but you see, I’ve been suffering from what all writers, artists, and creative people in general dread; a blockage. Not in my intestinal track, that goodness, but more of a cap on my creativity. I couldn’t think of what to tell you guys!!! I haven’t even drawn in a week!

So I must ask, what do YOU do when you’re experiencing an artist’s/writer’s block? How do you get out of it?

Now it’s come to my attention that in my poll, three people (or rather, everyone) voted for hearing about art in a blog. So this post is dedicated to the art of the only 50+ man I will ever claim to love (sorry George Clooney fans); Hayao Miyazaki.
The other day my best friend RedRobin and I were watching a marathon of his films, I own almost all of them with my collection as follows:
Princess Mononoke
Spirited Away
Howl’s Moving Castle
Castle in the Sky
Naussica of the Valley of the Wind.
My Neighbor Totoro
And FOR NOW those are the only ones I own. I love them all dearly, and I have a new found love every time I re-watch them. My personal favorite is Castle in the Sky!

If you’ve ever seen Mr. Miyazaki’s films, which do you prefer?

Sunday, July 4, 2010


Hello Bloggity! I'd like to discuss and warn you about something; Avatar the last Airbender was horrible. Don't see it; rent it later to laugh at it, but do NOT support this film.

It was....just.....horrid. I'm not too happy with the casting, but even THAT aside, they took out key characters and rushed through the Water Book waaaay too fast. They skipped whole parts and added useless ones in between. And the bending sometimes looked too cheesey.

Oh and especially don't see it in 3-D, it wasn't very 3-D at all, honestly. (then again i dislike 3-D anyway xP)

And NOW is when I complain about casting. In my mind, all the races were asian; since their traditions, surroundings, and such suited that culture. I classified them as such:
Fire Nation- Japanese
Earth Kingdom- Chinese
Water Tribes-Inuit
Air Nomads- Tibetian
I know I'm not the mastermind behind Avatar, but if you read between the lines of the original series, you can see where i'm coming from, right?
The only asian race they had were some scattered Earth benders, and all of the Fire Nation was Indian. ARGGGGHHHHHH *tears out hairs*

So now that I'm done complaining, What do you think was the worst movie let-down in your life?
And what was the worst sequel to a movie you loved?
With Love and Frustration,